Thursday, December 17, 2015

39 reasons to be grateful

Yesterday, I turned 39 years old.  It was a lovely day full of texts, facebook posts, facebook messages, skype messages, cards, emails, phone calls, and love from dear friends from around the world.  I'm humbled by the messages and am grateful for so much.

In honor of my 39th Birthday, I wanted to list 39 things I'm grateful for this year.

1. My loving fiance.

2. My loving family

3. A job that pays well

4. A warm apartment

5. Food in my refrigerator

6. Good books to read for the winter

7. An upcoming visit from my best friend and twin brother

8. The ability to walk

9. The ability to run, albeit slowly

10.  A gym membership

11.  Chocolate

12. A staff that I enjoy seeing every day

13. Long underwear

14. Smart wool socks (thanks Kim)

15. Music

16. Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity

17. Hartwick College

18. Iced Tea

19. Sunshine

20. Rain

21. Laughter

22. Jokes, both bad and good

23. Lake Avenue Baptist Church

24. My mentors, both living and those who have passed

25. Education

26. The ability to legally marry who I love

27. Two people that I think would make good Presidents running in the next election

28. Christmas Carols that I can sing along to and remember most of the words this time of year

29. Reconnecting with my family after the loss of my Gram

30. Pennies (and money) on the streets all over

31. An awesome camera and learning to take better photos

32. Loving, supportive, intelligent, challenging friends from all over the world

33. The ability to speak Spanish

34. Postcards - who doesn't love getting them

35. Peanut Butter

36. The sound of the ocean and the ability to hear it

37. Snazzy bow ties and the smiles on people's faces when they see them

38. Honey and honey bees and all the amazing things they both do

39.  The fact that I'm not 40 yet

My request of you, blog reader, is that you make a list of the things that you are grateful for today that has as many things on it as years you have spent on this earth.  You can list names, feelings, abilities, physical things, or mix them all up like I did.  There is no need to share this list with anyone.  I'm happy to read them if you want to share them with me.

In a world with "keeping up with the Joneses," hatred, materialism, and all of the other challenges, taking just a few minutes (this took me less than 5 minutes) to make your grateful list this year might remind you, like it did me, that I have much to be thankful for.

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